Exploring Change at Work (LEAD7300)

Emerging technology

Exploring Change at Work


This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the purpose of change within organizations, the psychology behind its impact on individuals, effective change management strategies, and planning for successful change implementation. Participants will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate organizational change and participate in successful transformation initiatives.

Who Should Attend?

Are you an employee who is not currently in a position of leadership, but who wants to be in the future? Or have you been identified as a potential leader, and anticipate moving into a leadership position within the next 5 years? Then this course is for you!






0.6 CEU's

Class Type:

This course is currently being offered in the following training modalities:

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe the purpose of change in organizations.
  • Analyze the psychology of how change impacts people.
  • Describe change management strategies.
  • Plan for successful change implementation.

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Course Outline:

Introduction to Training

Module 1:

  • What is Organizational Change?

Module 2:

  • How Does Change Impact People?

Module 3:

  • What Does Successful Change Management Look Like?

Module 4:

  • How Can a Leader Successfully Manage Change?

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