Leading Through Relationship-Building (LEAD7310)

Emerging leader

Leading Through Relationship-Building


This course offers a comprehensive exploration of essential skills and strategies for establishing strong relationships, fostering collaboration, and promoting personal and professional growth. Participants will gain a deep understanding of relationship-building approaches, emotional intelligence, conflict management principles, DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility) fundamentals, developing others, and strategies for promoting collaboration and team building.

Who Should Attend?

Are you an employee who is not currently in a position of leadership, but who wants to be in the future? Or have you been identified as a potential leader, and anticipate moving into a leadership position within the next 5 years? Then this course is for you!






1.2 CEU's

Class Type:

This course is currently being offered in the following training modalities:

Learning Outcomes:

  • Analyze approaches for relationship-building.
  • Apply elements of emotional intelligence.
  • Analyze principles of conflict management.
  • Analyze fundamental elements of DEIA.
  • Analyze approaches for developing others.
  • Analyze strategies for promoting collaboration and team building.

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Course Outline:

Introduction to Training

Module 1:

  • Building a Network of Relationships

Module 2:

  • Building Emotional Intelligence

Module 3:

  • Building Conflict Resolution Confidence

Module 4:

  • Building Cultural and Identity Awareness

Module 5:

  • Building Relationships as a Coach and Mentor

Module 6:

  • Building a Collaborative Team


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