Contract Number 47QRAA24D004K
Contract period: March 2, 2024 - March 1, 2029
Point of Contact:
Patrick Pearce, Bids & Contracts Manager
P: 202-314-3524
American Public Training, LLC” d/b/a Graduate School USA is an approved contract holder to provide training and consulting services under Professional Services Schedule, SIN C874.
874-4 Training Services: Instructor Led Training, Web Based Training and Education Courses, Course Development and Test Administration, Learning Management, Internships
- Courses available off-the-shelf training and/or educational courses that are delivered via an Instructor-led (i.e. traditional classroom setting or conference/seminar) and/or web-based (i.e. Internet/Intranet, software packages, and computer applications) system.
- Professional services in support of planning, creating, and/or executing testing and test administration, learning management, internship, or development of new courses or subject matter delivered via an instructor-led (i.e. traditional classroom setting or conference/seminar) and/or Web-based (i.e. Internet/Intranet, software packages and computer applications) system.
- Customization services for planning, creating, and/or implementing specially designed courses.
874-1 Integrated Consulting Services:
- Management or strategy consulting, including research, evaluations, studies, analyses, scenarios/simulations, reports, business policy and regulation development assistance, strategy formulation, and expert witness services.
- Facilitation and related decision support services.
- Survey services, using a variety of methodologies, including survey planning, design, and development; survey administration; data validation and analysis; reporting; and stakeholder briefings.
- Advisory and assistance services in accordance with FAR 37.203.
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Train At Your Location Form
Graduate School USA can deliver any of our courses or workshops to a location of your choice. This option is perfect for organizations with specific training and development needs.
GSA Contract Pricing, Terms and Conditions
American Public Training, LLC” d/b/a Graduate School USA is where the government goes for training. For nearly a century, government has relied on GSUSA to deliver the solutions that the federal workforce needs for mission success.
Labor Categories, Descriptions and Rates
We offer the training and education options you need to strengthen your skills as you advance your career and support your agency’s mission.