Professional Skills for Performance OnDemand (PSP OnDemand)

Professional Skills for Performance OnDemand (PSP OnDemand)

Professional Skills for Performance OnDemand

At GSUSA, we’re committed to our mission of improving government performance, and we know you’re committed to helping your agency meet its goals.  That’s why we’re offering: Professional Skills for Performance OnDemand (PSP OnDemand).

Act now to:

  • Access 18 professional skills courses for only $1,499 – a $14,000 value!
  • Immediately meet the development needs of your staff with high-impact professional skills
  • Maximize your FY ‘24 training budget and take advantage of this limited-time special offer -- purchase by September 30, 2024

These flexible courses help you develop the skills you need to meet the challenges of today's world.

Purchase PSP OnDemand today to:

  • Experience the convenience of expert instructors and quality course materials
  • Build key skills anytime and anywhere on your own schedule
  • Take courses designed with the same rigor as in-person offerings

Get Started with PSP OnDemand Courses Today

  • Call to purchase 1-888-744-GRAD (4723) or enroll online
  • Enroll in PSP OnDemand Bundle and any number of courses from the list below
  • Take classes on your schedule

Assertiveness Skills

Learn to speak honestly and directly, make decisions more easily, and influence people. Create a turning point in your life by recognizing the difference between assertive and aggressive behaviors, communicating more effectively, and listening for others' motives. Effectively handle criticism, deal with workplace anxieties, and build self-confidence by learning to approach business situations assertively.

Briefing Techniques

Develop your ability to give concise briefings that convey your main message quickly and clearly. Learn and practice essential strategies for delivering short structured briefings in this hands-on course. Your briefings are recorded for playback, and your instructor will provide useful coaching and tips.

Constructive Conflict Resolution

Conflict is inevitable. Transforming conflict into positive outcomes is a skill. Learn how to shape even the most difficult circumstances into satisfying, win-win experiences. Discover a wide variety of proven constructive approaches that lead to productive resolutions and teaching moments. Develop the tools for quickly analyzing and responding to difficult situations and share them with your team to make conflicts approachable and productive.

Communication Skills

Master the fundamental communication skills needed to get ahead. Much of your job success depends on your ability to communicate well, both in person and on paper. Discover how to analyze verbal and nonverbal communications, write clearly and concisely, organize, and deliver an oral presentation, and break down communication barriers to work better with others.

Communicating for Results

Overcome barriers to effective office communications. Develop strategies to increase your ability to be understood by identifying your own communication style and that of others. Explore methods of interpreting verbal and nonverbal feedback and the use of appropriate repetition to clarify communications.

Customer Service Excellence

Become "customer-driven" and learn how to take service to the top, inspiring others to provide quality service. Gain proficiency in identifying your internal and external customers. Discover the latest methods for enhancing customer service and handling problems, including anticipating and responding to customers' needs.

Effective Meetings

Master one of the most important skills in the workplace: planning and running productive meetings. Whether you hold face-to-face or virtual meetings, become adept at creating an outcome-oriented agenda, staying on time and on topic, and facilitating attendees to ensure full participation. Make the most out of each meeting you convene.

Effective Communication with Customers

Develop superior customer service by learning the basics of effective communication to successfully interact with internal and external customers. Become adept at recognizing and anticipating the needs of others; being flexible when handling requests and complaints; and spotting and responding to important verbal and nonverbal messages.

Effective Government Correspondence

Ensure that your government emails, and written correspondence meet readers' needs and expectations, and comply with the standards of the Plain Writing Act of 2010. Learn techniques to write clearly and simply so your readers can easily understand your message.

Interpersonal Communications

Learn proven techniques to work more productively and improve your everyday interactions with others. Discover conflict resolution strategies and negotiation techniques, and benefit from useful tips on tact and diplomacy.

Leadership Essentials

Unlock your ability to lead effectively with this in-depth course. Learn the difference between leading and managing; explore proven techniques to communicating effectively; think strategically; and move from a reactive environment to a proactive one.

Listening and Memory Development

Improve work performance by increasing your ability to absorb and retain information. Learn the techniques for listening and capturing information for convenient recall. Develop more confidence and improve productivity with your enhanced ability to access and recall important deadlines, policies, and other information.

Managing Multiple Priorities

Regain control over your workload, increase your efficiency, and ease your stress. Learn ways to dig out from beneath the mountain of paperwork, emails, and assignments, and eliminate anxiety over and frustration about your many responsibilities. Discover strategies for goal setting and prioritizing, as well as methods for overcoming procrastination. Learn to handle professional challenges with confidence!

Managing a Virtual/Hybrid Workforce

Many of today's supervisors and managers must manage a workforce of teleworkers, remote team members and others they do not see daily. Contingency planning requires the ability to continue managing when employees can no longer use the office. Learn how to manage remote workers successfully without sacrificing performance or control. Discover the requirements of the Telework Enhancement Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-292) and discuss the challenges of implementing those requirements. Learn tips for managing virtual teams. Leave the course one step closer to implementing a successful program to manage a virtual/hybrid workforce.

Negotiating Techniques

Learn to create win-win situations and improve work relationships with colleagues, employees, customers, and others. Focus on issues of negotiation, including using multiple strategies, applying the no-fault formula, interest-based methods, and empathy in the negotiation process.

Positive Approaches to Difficult People

Do not let "difficult" people ruin another day! Learn approaches for maintaining your composure and clarifying underlying issues, as well as strategic questioning and listening techniques to discover what is behind someone with a difficult personality. Leave the course refreshed and prepared to minimize the negative impact of challenging people in your work environment.

Preparing to Lead in the 21st Century

Gain a fundamental understanding of leadership and an increased awareness of your own leadership capacities. Receive opportunities to experience personal leadership while building skills in self-awareness and critical thinking. Discover how to integrate a leadership mind-set into your everyday activities. Learn how to approach situations in a collaborative and self-directed manner.

Time Management

Discover practical techniques for managing time and increasing your professional and personal effectiveness. Learn how to devote time to the most important tasks and goals, how to organize yourself and how to organize your environment. Implement strategies for handling interruptions, anticipating deadlines, and motivating yourself.

Terms & Conditions

End of FY ‘24 Special OnDemand Training Access for 18 Professional Skills courses:

  • Priced at $1,499.
  • Access must be purchased by 9/30/24.
  • The student/buyer has 30 days to register for the first class after purchase. At the time of purchase, students can be enrolled in up to two courses. First registration must take place no later than October 31, 2024.
  • Students have access to the OnDemand “Professional Skills for Performance” courses six-months. The six-months starts upon the purchase date or registration in the first class.
  • Students may enroll in as many classes as they like during the 6-month period, but only two courses at a time. The last “enrollment” is no later than the beginning of the fifth month.
  • If a student needs to drop or change a course, they should reach out to the Customer Relations Center at 1-888-744-GRAD (4723).
  • Registrants may not share their registrations with others. It is non-transferrable.
  • Only one course 30-day ‘no fee’ extension is granted. Students must have completed 50% of the registered course to be granted an extension
  • Bulk purchase discounts are applicable for 10+ registrations. ​Reach out to your Graduate School USA point of contact for more details.
  • Courses are eligible for certificates and CEUs per standard guidelines.
  • This promotion does not apply to previous purchases or any other Graduate School USA OnDemand courses other than those listed as part of the “Professional Skills for Performance”.

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